Annual Report 2023

Eligibility analysis

We examined the eligible economic activities identified in the Climate Delegated Act, in the Complementary Delegated Act and in the Environmental Delegated Act, and identified five eligible activities related to the acquisition of goods or services that support our main activity:






Transport by motorbikes, passenger cars and light commercial vehicles


CCM 6.5. / CCA 6.5.


This activity includes service vehicles related to car leasing operations.

Renovation of existing buildings


CCM 7.2. / CCA 7.2. / CE 3.2.


We have made significant investments in the refurbishment of our stores (Portugal, Poland and Colombia). Only major renovation works are considered in this activity2.

Installation, maintenance and repair of energy efficiency equipment


CCM 7.3. / CCA 7.3.


This activity includes measures such as envelope and roof insulation and replacement of windows, doors, light sources and HVAC systems with more efficient technologies. There is other equipment that helps to improve the energy efficiency of our stores and operations that is not included in the Taxonomy but enables us to reduce our carbon footprint and increase our energy efficiency, namely chillers and standalone cooling equipment.

Installation, maintenance and repair of renewable energy technologies


CCM 7.6. / CCA 7.6.


We have invested in the installation of photovoltaic solar energy equipment3.

Acquisition and ownership of buildings


CCM 7.7. / CCA 7.7.


This activity includes the acquisition of buildings, new leases/rentals of buildings (right-of-use) and refurbishments and other renovations of existing buildings not included in other activities. Refurbishments are outsourced to third parties in the civil engineering sector who carry out the building/refurbishment works. Jerónimo Martins only acquires the result of those services and does not carry out any actual construction. As such, considering (i) the similarity to the situations in which we acquire a building that has been built by third parties and (ii) the absence, at this stage, of another activity in the Taxonomy where they would be more suitably classified, we have considered it appropriate to classify these situations as exercising the right of ownership over the refurbished buildings.





CCM (Climate Change Mitigation); CCA (Climate Change Adaptation); CE (Circular Economy).





As set out in the Portuguese national and regional regulation transposed from Implementing Directive 2010/31/EU for “major renovations”.





More information is available in “Water and Energy Consumption Management”.

The Climate Delegated Act determines eligibility and alignment with climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives. As the contribution to the climate change adaptation objective is of lesser importance compared to the mitigation objective, the subsequent alignment analysis is carried out in relation to the mitigation objective.

The activities described above are also included in Annex II to the Climate Delegated Act regarding the objective of climate change adaptation. Since the contribution to this objective is of lesser importance than the climate change mitigation objective, we assessed the eligibility under the Climate Delegated Act of the mitigation objective.

Some additional activities were identified as possibly fitting within the terms of eligible capital expenditure (CapEx). However, since they are carried out as part of the construction and refurbishment of our infrastructures, they are considered under activities 7.7 “Acquisition and ownership of buildings” and 7.2 “Renovation of existing buildings”, respectively. These activities are:

  • 5.1. Construction, extension and operation of water collection, treatment and supply systems;
  • 5.2. Renewal of water collection, treatment and supply systems;
  • 5.3. Construction, extension and operation of wastewater collection and treatment;
  • 5.4. Renewal of wastewater collection and treatment;
  • 7.5. Installation, maintenance and repair of instruments and devices for measuring, regulating and monitoring energy performance of buildings.

With regard to activities 5.5. “Collection and transport of non-hazardous waste in source segregated fractions” and 6.6. “Freight transport services by road”, as these are outsourced to third-party service providers who do not represent our assets, they were excluded from the calculation of the indicators. However, considering their relevance to our operations, they are an integral part of our strategy to reduce greenhouse gases1.

Activity 7.4. “Installation, maintenance and repair charging stations for electric vehicles in buildings (and parking spaces attached to buildings)” is also outsourced to third-party service providers who do not represent our assets and has therefore been excluded from the calculation of the indicators.

We also examined Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1214, which adds a set of economic activities to the Climate Delegated Act in certain energy sectors (nuclear energy and fossil gas). We do not carry out, fund or have exposure in the construction, renewal or operation of such activities.

1 More information in “Fighting climate change”.

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