Annual Report 2023

Supporting surrounding communities


We are an active agent in building a society with less inequalities, and it is through our network of more than 5,700 proximity stores, we are able to reach the most vulnerable groups in society: the elderly, children and young people in need. We do so, in accordance with our Policy on Supporting Surrounding Communities1, by supporting institutions and projects that help fighting hunger and malnutrition, and that work towards breaking cycles of poverty and social exclusion. We also support projects that promote healthy eating habits and lifestyles. The consolidation of reading habits and incentives for projects oriented towards environmental preservation, entrepreneurship, and citizenship as other relevant areas of our social intervention.

Person with a crate filled with vegetables handing it over to another person in front of a Biedronka store (photo)

1 The Policy on Supporting Surrounding Communities is available on our corporate website on the Supporting Surrounding Communities page.


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