Annual Report 2023

Regulatory Technical Standards for the disclosure of sustainability information (SFDR-RTS)


SFDR-RTS indicators and descriptions Evidence Other Standards

Scope 1 GHG emissions

Fighting climate change

UNGC 7 & 8
GRI 305-1
SDG 3, 12, 13, 14 & 15

Scope 2 GHG emissions

UNGC 7 & 8
GRI 305-2
SDG 3, 12, 13, 14 & 15

Scope 3 GHG emissions

UNGC 7 & 8
GRI 305-3
SDG 3, 12, 13, 14 & 15

Total GHG emissions

UNGC 8 & 9
GRI 305-4
GRI 305-5
SDG 13, 14 & 15

Share of non-renewable energy consumption and production

Fighting climate change

UNGC 7, 8 & 9
GRI 302-1
SDG 7, 8, 12 & 13

Energy consumption intensity per high impact climate sector

Activities negatively affecting biodiversity-sensitive areas

Conserving biodiversity

Promoting more sustainable production practices

GRI 304-1
GRI 304-2
GRI 304-3
GRI 304-4
SDG 6, 14 & 15

Hazardous waste and radioactive waste ratio

Waste management

GRI 306-2
SDG 3, 6, 11 & 12

Unadjusted gender pay gap

We calculate the salary difference between women and men among the employees of the Jerónimo Martins Group, based on comparable realities.

Live diversity

GRI 405-2
SDG 5, 8 & 10

Board gender diversity

Subsection II - Management and Supervision (Board of Directors)

GRI 405-1
SDG 5 & 8


SFDR-RTS indicators and descriptions Evidence Other Standards

Emissions of air pollutants

Quantities are released from the combustion of fossil fuels (on-site fuel use for equipment operation, emergency generators and heating, as well as light vehicle fleet):

  • NOX = 210.1 tonnes (+50.4% compared to 2022, considering an update of the figures).
  • SOX = 42.5 tonnes (+43.1% compared to 2022, considering an update of the figures).

UNGC 7 & 8
SDG 3, 12, 14 & 15

Emissions of ozone-depleting substances

This aspect is not material. However, in 2023, we recorded an emission of 0.68kg of CFC-11 eq., associated to the use of hydrochloro­fluorocarbons in air conditioning equipment in Colombia, which is part of the fixed assets of the acquired stores. These represent <0.1% of the total of this type of equipment used in the Group’s Companies.

UNGC 7 & 8
GRI 305-6
SDG 3, 12, 14 & 15

Carbon emission reduction initiatives

Fighting climate change

UNGC 7, 8 & 9
GRI 305-5
SDG 13, 14 & 15

Breakdown of energy consumption by type of non-renewable sources of energy

Of the energy used by the operations of the Jerónimo Martins Group’s Companies, 62% comes from non-renewable sources.

Water and energy consumption management

UNGC 7, 8 & 9
SDG 7, 8, 12 & 13

Water usage and recycling

Water and energy consumption management

UNGC 7, 8 & 9
GRI 303-3
GRI 303-4
GRI 303-5
SDG 6 & 12

Water management policies

Water and energy consumption management

UNGC 7 & 8
GRI 303-1
GRI 303-2
SDG 6 & 12

Exposure to areas of high water stress

Water and energy consumption management

UNGC 7 & 8
SDG 6 & 12

Sustainable oceans/seas practices

Promoting a circular economy

Sustainable fishing

UNGC 7 & 9

Non-recycled waste ratio

Waste management

GRI 306-2
SDG 3, 6, 11 & 12

Natural species and protected areas

Conserving biodiversity

Promoting more sustainable production practices

SDG 6, 14 & 15


Fighting deforestation

2021-2023 commitments


Workplace accident prevention policy

Protect through the best work conditions

Act ethically

UNGC 1 & 2
GRI 403-1

Rate of accidents

In 2023, around five thousand work-related injuries were recorded throughout the Group, 34 of which were of high consequence, corresponding to an increase of 4.8% and 7.0% in the respective index, compared to the previous year. As a result, the rate of reportable accidents stood at 23.29 and the rate of accidents with serious consequences at 0.16.

The vast majority of the accidents are related to physical effort, inappropriate handling of equipment, risky behaviour, waste or wet floors and handling of cutting tools.

Most accidents:

  • in Portugal led to trauma and contusions.
  • in Poland resulted in fractures or contusions of limbs, cuts and musculoskeletal overload.
  • in Colombia led to contusions, strains and sprains, light superficial burns and musculoskeletal overload.

Protect through the best work conditions

GRI 403-8
GRI 403-9
GRI 412-1
SDG 3, 8 & 16

Number of days lost to injuries, accidents, fatalities or illness

Although we do not report these indicators, information on occupational health and safety practices can be found in Protect through the best work conditions.

2021-2023 commitments

2024-2026 commitments

SDG 3, 8 & 16
GRI 403-8
GRI 403-9

Supplier Code of Conduct

See channel “Responsibility”, page “Corporate Responsibility Publications” to consult the Code of Conduct and the Code of Conduct for Suppliers on the website

UNGC 2 & 10
SDG 3, 8 & 16
GRI 2-15
GRI 2-23
GRI 2-26
GRI 412-3

Grievance/complaints handling mechanism related to employee matters

Act ethically

UNGC 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 10

Whistleblower protection

Act ethically

Ethics Committee website (, in four languages)

Code of Conduct of Jerónimo Martins available in the “Responsibility” channel, page Corporate Responsibility Publications”, on the website

UNGC 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 10

Incidents of discrimination

There have been no confirmed incidents of discrimination within Jerónimo Martins Group.

Act ethically

SDG 5 & 10
GRI 406-1

Excessive CEO pay ratio

Subsection IV - Remuneration Disclosure

Human rights policy

Act ethically

See channel “Responsibility”, page “Corporate Responsibility Publications” to consult the Code of Conduct and the Code of Conduct for Suppliers on the website

UNGC 1 & 2

Due diligence process to identify, prevent and address adverse human rights impacts

Subsection III - Internal Control and Risk Management

For specific actions in this field see Selection and monitoring of suppliers, Act ethically and Minimum safeguards.

UNGC 1 & 2
GRI 407-1
GRI 408-1
GRI 409-1
GRI 410-1
GRI 412-1
GRI 412-2
GRI 412-3
GRI 414-1
GRI 414-2
SDG 5, 8 & 16

Processes and measures to prevent trafficking in human beings

See Jerónimo Martins' Code of Conduct, Supplier Code of Conduct Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Sustainable Sourcing Policy in the “Responsibility” channel, “Corporate Responsibility Publications” page, on the website

UNGC 1 & 2

Operations and suppliers at significant risk of incidents of child labour

Selection and monitoring of suppliers

Act ethically

UNGC 1, 2 & 5
GRI 408-1
GRI 410-1
GRI 412-1
GRI 412-2
GRI 412-3
GRI 414-1
GRI 414-2
SDG 8 & 16

Operations and suppliers at significant risk of incidents of forced or compulsory labour

Selection and monitoring of suppliers

Act ethically

UNGC 1-4 & 6
GRI 409-1
GRI 414-1
GRI 414-2
SDG 8 & 16

Anti-corruption and anti-bribery policies

Consult the Anti-Corruption Policy, the Plan for the Prevention of Risks of Corruption and Related Infractions and the Annual Report on the implementation of this plan in the About Us channel at

Also see the Jerónimo Martins' Code of Conduct and the Code of Conduct for Suppliers in the “Responsibility” channel, “Corporate Responsibility Publications” page at

In addition, the Integrity Due Diligence Procedure, to be applied to third parties, was approved in 2023 as an autonomous internal procedure.

GRI 205-1
GRI 205-2

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