Annual Report 2023

Innovate in the way of working

Technology has played a central role in increasing the efficiency of our people management processes and has helped achieve the goal of connecting our more than 134 thousand employees.

Through knowledge-sharing and training initiatives, the Companies actively contribute to ensuring that our people are ready to adapt to a more technological world. Such is the case of Biedronka, which hosted six sessions on artificial intelligence, covering the following topics: “How AI changes the world and the labour market” and “Artificial vs. Human Intelligence – what we are losing and what will never be replaced”, attended by 467 employees.

People management solutions

The GPS (Global People Solutions) project is particularly of note, focused on the global implementation of SAP SuccessFactors solution, aimed at making the processes managed by HR teams more efficient. This solution can be accessed anywhere and at any time, thus offering greater autonomy and a richer user experience to all who use it.

With the first phase of this project underway, which includes the Employee Central and Recruitment and Onboarding modules, 2023 saw the implementation of the solution in Poland. By the end of the year, there were 78,490 active users in Poland and Colombia, which was the first to use the new system. As part of project implementation and preparation to go-live in Portugal (which took place at the beginning of 2024), more than 85,688 people were trained in the three countries to ensure that they were prepared to embrace the new ways of working and become familiar with the platform.

Communication channels

In order to connect and make relevant information available to all our employees, we have internal communication platforms at Group level (Our JM intranet) and at local level (Por Nós in Portugal, Dla Nas in Poland, and Hablando Naranja in Colombia). The four platforms saw around 50 million visits in 2023.

Biedronka’s internal platform, Dla Nas, has been publicly recognised, winning the Digital Impact Awards in the category of “Best Intranet”, awarded by Cravenhill Publishing. Dla Nas offers a chatbot in Polish and Ukrainian and, since 2023, also has a voicebot. The two AI tools make communicating with employees regarding social requests, among other HR processes, more efficient. These automated solutions assisted in responding to 344,677 requests in 2023.

Specifically designed to connect HR professionals from all our Companies, HR2HR platform, besides serving as an internal social network, provides information on teams, the strategic HR agenda, articles, events and other content.

Radio Pingo Doce and Ara’s Hablando Naranja radio station continued to share information about the business periodically aired in the stores, transmitting a total of 35 broadcasts. Radio Pingo Doce received the award for best audio/podcast/corporate radio, awarded by the Meios & Publicidade magazine.

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