Annual Report 2023

Reporting indicators according to the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)

SASB Description Evidence Other Standards


Fleet fuel consumed, percentage renewable

Fighting climate change

UNGC 7 & 8
GRI 302-1
GRI 302-2
SDG 7, 8, 12 & 13


Gross global scope 1 emissions from refrigerants

Fighting climate change

UNGC 7 & 8
GRI 305-1
SDG 3, 12, 13, 14 & 15


Percentage of refrigerants consumed with zero ozone depleting potential

More than 99.9% of the refrigerant gas emissions have no ozone depletion potential. In 2023 it was verified the emission of 0.68kg of CFC-11 eq., associated with the use of hydrochlorofluorocarbons in air conditioning equipment in Colombia that are part of the fixed assets of acquired stores. These represent <0.1% of the total of this type of equipment used in the Group’s Companies.

UNGC 7 & 8
GRI 305-6
SDG 3 & 12


(1) Energy consumed

(2) Percentage grid electricity

(3) Percentage renewable

Fighting climate change

UNGC 7, 8 & 9
GRI 302-1
GRI 302-2
SDG 7, 8, 12 & 13


Amount of food waste generated, percentage diverted from the waste stream

Promoting a circular economy

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 2, 12 & 13


Description of approach to identifying and addressing data security risks

21. Organisational Charts Concerning the Allocation of Powers Between the Various Corporate Boards, Committees and/or Departments Within the Company, Including Information on Delegating Powers, Particularly as Regards the Delegation of the Company’s Daily Management

53. Details and Description of the Major Economic, Financial and Legal Risks to which the Company is Exposed in Pursuing Its Business Activity



Number of recalls

For the number of food product recalls and withdrawals, breakdown per Private Brand and perishables, see:

Promoting good health through food

Food recalls and withdrawals

SDG 3 & 12
GRI 416-2

Number of units recalled and percentage of units recalled that are Private Brand products


Description of the process to identify and manage products and ingredients related to nutritional and health concerns among consumers

Quality and diversity

SDG 3 & 12
GRI 416-1


Percentage of active workforce covered under collective bargaining agreements

Act ethically

GRI 2-30


Revenue from products third-party certified to environmental or social sustainability sourcing standards

Increase sales of Private Brand and Perishable products and/or packaging with sustainability certification to at least 7% of the total sales of these product categories by 2023. In 2023, sales of Private Brand products and/or packaging and perishables with sustainability certification represented 13.4%.

Certified products

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 12


Percentage of revenue from eggs originated from a cage-free environment

Promoting more sustainable production practices

SDG 12 & 15

Percentage of revenue from pork produced without the use of gestation crates

Not applicable.


Description of strategy to manage environmental and social risks within the supply chain, including animal welfare

Selection and monitoring of suppliers

Practices to promote animal welfare

2021-2023 commitments

GRI 3-3
SDG 12 & 15


Discussion of strategies to reduce the environmental impact of packaging

Promoting a circular economy

2021-2023 commitments

UNGC 7 & 8
GRI 3-3
GRI 301-1
SDG 8 & 12


Number of

(1) retail locations and

(2) distribution centres

(1) This information is regularly disclosed in the Group’s result releases in the corporate website, under the “Investors” area, page “Market Releases”.

(2) 2021-2023 commitments



Total area of

(1) retail space and

(2) distribution centres

(1) This information is regularly disclosed in the Group’s result releases in the corporate website, under the “Investors” area, page “Market Releases”.



Number of vehicles in commercial fleet

Reduction of environmental impacts from logistics processes


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