SASB | Description | Evidence | Other Standards | |||||
FB-FR-110a.1 |
Fleet fuel consumed, percentage renewable |
UNGC 7 & 8 |
FB-FR-110b.1 |
Gross global scope 1 emissions from refrigerants |
UNGC 7 & 8 |
FB-FR-110b.2 |
Percentage of refrigerants consumed with zero ozone depleting potential |
More than 99.9% of the refrigerant gas emissions have no ozone depletion potential. In 2023 it was verified the emission of 0.68kg of CFC-11 eq., associated with the use of hydrochlorofluorocarbons in air conditioning equipment in Colombia that are part of the fixed assets of acquired stores. These represent <0.1% of the total of this type of equipment used in the Group’s Companies. |
UNGC 7 & 8 |
FB-FR-130a.1 |
(1) Energy consumed (2) Percentage grid electricity (3) Percentage renewable |
UNGC 7, 8 & 9 |
FB-FR-150a.1 |
Amount of food waste generated, percentage diverted from the waste stream |
SDG 2, 12 & 13 |
FB-FR-230a.2 |
Description of approach to identifying and addressing data security risks |
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FB-FR-250a.2 |
Number of recalls |
For the number of food product recalls and withdrawals, breakdown per Private Brand and perishables, see: |
SDG 3 & 12 |
Number of units recalled and percentage of units recalled that are Private Brand products |
FB-FR-260a.2 |
Description of the process to identify and manage products and ingredients related to nutritional and health concerns among consumers |
SDG 3 & 12 |
FB-FR-310a.2 |
Percentage of active workforce covered under collective bargaining agreements |
UNGC 3 |
FB-FR-430a.1 |
Revenue from products third-party certified to environmental or social sustainability sourcing standards |
Increase sales of Private Brand and Perishable products and/or packaging with sustainability certification to at least 7% of the total sales of these product categories by 2023. In 2023, sales of Private Brand products and/or packaging and perishables with sustainability certification represented 13.4%. |
SDG 12 |
FB-FR-430a.2 |
Percentage of revenue from eggs originated from a cage-free environment |
SDG 12 & 15 |
Percentage of revenue from pork produced without the use of gestation crates |
Not applicable. |
FB-FR-430a.3 |
Description of strategy to manage environmental and social risks within the supply chain, including animal welfare |
Selection and monitoring of suppliers |
UNGC 7 |
FB-FR-430a.4 |
Discussion of strategies to reduce the environmental impact of packaging |
UNGC 7 & 8 |
FB-FR-000.A |
Number of (1) retail locations and (2) distribution centres |
(1) This information is regularly disclosed in the Group’s result releases in the corporate website, under the “Investors” area, page “Market Releases”. |
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FB-FR-000.B |
Total area of (1) retail space and (2) distribution centres |
(1) This information is regularly disclosed in the Group’s result releases in the corporate website, under the “Investors” area, page “Market Releases”. |
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FB-FR-000.C |
Number of vehicles in commercial fleet |
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