Annual Report 2023

2024-2026 commitments

Action Pillars 2024-2026 Commitments

I. Promoting Good Health Through Food

In all countries reinforce the offer of food alternatives such as vegan, plant-based, low carbohydrates, fat and salt, low sugar content/sugar-free, lactose-free, gluten-free and/or for consumers over 50 years old.

In all countries, ensure that products targeted for children have higher, or at least equal, nutritional profile than the benchmark (or best in class), according to the country of operation.

In Portugal ensure the use of voluntary “Without GMO” labelling for at least 75% of Private Brand food references containing mostly (>50%/net weight) potentially modified ingredients (soy and corn), helping consumers in the decision-making process.

In Portugal, facilitate responsible consumption through voluntary labelling of alcoholic beverages (including wines) for 100% of Private Brand references, in the following areas:

  • calorie intake;
  • not recommended for pregnant women;
  • promotion of responsible driving.

In Hebe, reinforce the relevance of Private Brand alternatives without ingredients of animal origin, in particular by launching at least 10 new references a year.

In Hebe, reinforce the relevance of “Hebe Naturals” product range, which contain at least 92% natural ingredients in their formula (according to ISO 16128).

In Portugal, Poland and Colombia carry out at least one annual programme to promote the principles of the Mediterranean diet, in Portugal, or healthy eating habits in geographies with other diets (based on the recommendations of local experts).

In all countries, promote literacy for product labelling.

In Portugal, ensure the Nutri-Score labelling is applied on100% of Private Brand food launches.

In Poland, ensure the Nutri-Score labelling is applied on 100% of Private Brand food launches in selected categories.

In Colombia, ensure that 100% of Private Brand products do not contain, in their direct ingredients, artificial colorants or flavour enhancers until 2026.

In Poland, guarantee the absence of glucose-fructose syrup in at least 90% of Private Brand products by the end of 2026.

In Poland, remove soy lecithin in at least 50% of Private Brand products with that ingredient until the end of 2026.

In Poland and in Portugal, ensure whenever possible, by the end of 2026, that wholegrains are the main ingredient in breakfast cereals (with the exception of corn-based cereals).

In Portugal, guarantee the enrichment of essential minerals and vitamins in the best-selling Private Brand products that aim to complement the main sources of food until the end of 2026.

Ensure that, by 2026, 100% of our Private Brand food portfolio does not contain acesulfame and develop alternatives, together with suppliers, to replace aspartame for natural sweeteners.

In Portugal and Poland, reinforce the relevance of the offer of Private Brand cosmetic products without ingredients of animal origin, for consumers with specific preferences.

In Biedronka, ensure that at least 95% of the Private Brand regular assortment of personal hygiene products is microplastic-free.

In Portugal and Poland, reinforce the relevance of the offer of Private Brand cosmetic products containing at least 90% of natural ingredients in their composition (in line with ISO 16128).

In Biedronka develop Private Brand detergents that have, simultaneously, natural fragrances in their ingredients, are preservatives-free and are Ecolabel certified.

In Biedronka, introduce the ‘Eat fish twice a week’ labelling for 100% of fresh fish references in selected processed Private Brand references and specialized perishables by 2026.

Seek to ensure, on an annual basis, that the number of recalls of food products with potential risk to public health (level I severity), the cause of which is attributable to the Jerónimo Martins Companies, is zero. In the event of the occurrence of cases of level I severity, and in line with Jerónimo Martins’ Product Quality and Safety Policy, ensure by all available means that the collection of food products in stores and Distribution Centres is 100% effective.

In Poland, maintaining the number of ISO 22000-certified locations (16 distribution centres in 2023) and ensuring that the new Distribution Centres to be opened in the 2024-2026 period are certified within two years of starting operations.

II. Respecting the Environment

Ensure that the number of locations with environmental certification is at least 70% of the total number of distribution centres and industrial/similar units*.
* including fresh dough factory, central kitchens, soup factory, Terra Alegre dairy factory and packing units.

In Colombia, Poland and Portugal support and/or implement, in the period 2024-2026, at least two nature conservation and biodiversity protection projects, aligned with the Kunmig-Montreal Global Diversity Framework, and disclose its results annually.

Reduce the Group’s scopes 1 and 2 emissions, in absolute terms, by at least 10% by 2026, compared to 2021. This commitment is aligned with the science-based target for the near-term submitted by Jerónimo Martins to the Science Based Targets initiative.

Reduce carbon emissions resulting from transporting goods to stores by 5% (in tonnes of CO2e per pallet transported) by 2026, compared to 2021.

Engage, in the period 2024-2026, with at least 5 of the top 100 suppliers in terms of purchased goods in each company, to collaborate on the definition of strategies for the reduction of scope 3 emissions.

Reduce energy consumption by 10% (per 1,000€ of sales) by 2026, compared to 2021.

Reduce water withdrawal in Distribution activities by 10% (per 1,000€ of sales), by 2026, compared to 2021.

Define and implement a mitigation and adaptation plan to improve the efficiency of water use and to manage its scarcity during low precipitation periods in JMA units, publicly disclosing its progress.

Ensure that at least 25% of Private Brand products’ packaging is included in the Ecodesign project by 2026, considering the 2023 assortment.

Reduce by 10%, by 2025, the specific consumption of plastic measured in tonnes of plastic packaging per million euros of turnover, compared to 2018.

Increase the content of recycled plastic incorporated in plastic packaging under our responsibility (Private Brand, service packaging, carrier bags and palletizing film) to 25% by 2025.

Ensure an annual waste recovery rate of at least 85% of the volume of waste generated by 2026.

Limit annual food waste to 2.5% of total food sales (in tonnes), in 2024-2026 period.

Increase by 10% the amount of rescued food in own operations and in the supply-chain, namely through food donations, sales with a discount price of food products reaching the expiry date, recovery of non-graded food from farmers and leftovers from own operations and recovery of wasted food to animal feed and bio processing, by 2026, compared to 2023.

III. Sourcing Responsibly

Guarantee that at least 80% of the Jerónimo Martins Group’s purchases of food products are sourced from local suppliers.

Increase sales of Private Brand and/or perishable products and packaging with sustainability certification to at least 15% of the total sales of these product categories by 2026.

Carry out environmental audits to at least 20% of selected Private Brand and Perishables suppliers, based on a risk assessment and with a purchase volume greater than one million euros, in the 2024-2026 period.

Contribute to the objectives of the Forest Positive Coalition of Action of The Consumer Goods Forum. The following objectives have been set for our Private Brand and perishable products:

  • By 2025, ensure that palm oil, soy, paper and wood and beef in our Private Brand and perishable products are not associated with either deforestation or conversion of ecosystems (DCF – Deforestation and Conversion Free).
  • Palm Oil:
    • Continue to ensure that 100% of palm oil in Portugal and Poland is RSPO certified and progressively extend this commitment to palm oil derivatives.
    • In Colombia, ensure compliance with the Colombian government’s “Acuerdo de Voluntades para la Deforestación Cero en la Cadena de Palma en Colombia” (Voluntary Agreement for Zero Deforestation in the Colombian Palm Oil Chain), guaranteeing that by 2026, the palm oil of Colombian origin used in Private Brands and perishable products is traceable to the farm where it was produced and is not associated with deforestation, and that 100% of palm oil of non-Colombian origin used in Private Brands and perishable products is certified by the RSPO.
  • Soy: By 2025, ensure that 100% of direct and indirect soy is traceable at least to the country of origin and that whenever it comes from an origin where the risk is not negligible, the soy is traced back to the municipality of origin and/or has sustainability certification (e.g., RTRS or Proterra).
  • Paper and Wood: Working with suppliers of Private Brand products and perishables to ensure that 95% of the virgin fibres used in our products and 80% of the virgin fibres used in our packaging are certified (FSC® or PEFC) by 2026.
  • Beef: Ensure that 100% of the beef in our Private Brand and perishable products is traceable at least to the country of origin, and that traceability to the farm of origin is guaranteed for all beef sourced from non-negligible risk countries.

By 2026, analyse the sustainability status of fish stocks for at least 80% of fish sales (in kg), from Private Brand and perishable products, and publicly disclose progress.

By 2026, ensure that 100% of wild-caught tuna in our Private Brand and perishable products is traceable to the vessel.

Eliminate, by 2025, the sale of Private Brand fresh eggs from caged hens.

By 2026, in Portugal and Poland, ensure that at least 90% of eggs used as an ingredient in our Private Brand products are from cage-free hens.

In Poland, carry out inspections to 100% of egg farming units from which Private Brand fresh eggs are produced for Biedronka, until the end of 2024.

In Portugal and Poland, ensure, by 2026, that animal welfare topics are included in the scope of audits to perishable suppliers who manufacture products containing at least 80% animal protein, and publicly disclose the results.

In Poland, starting from 2024, carry out 100% of fresh fish, from aquaculture, audits according to the ‘Fish Welfare’ standard.

In Biedronka, ensure the extension of product guarantee from 2 to 3 years for all electric and additional non-electric non-food products where applicable.

IV. Supporting Surrounding Communities

Monitoring and disclosure of at least 70% (in value) of the social impacts resulting from the annual support offered by all Jerónimo Martins companies, according to the Business for Societal Impact (B4SI) model and aligned with criteria for the financial materiality.

Strengthen the involvement in social projects in all geographies, targeted to children, youngsters and elderly people from vulnerable environments, aiming to directly impact 1 million people per year, until 2026.

In Colombia, promote health through food to at least 3,000 vulnerable children, per year, by supporting them with in-kind in regions with the highest indicators of malnutrition and food insecurity.

By 2026 in Colombia, ensure that 50% of stores donate food and non-food products to nongovernmental organizations, with the aim of supporting vulnerable people.

In Colombia, ensure support until 2026, to more than 1,200 community mothers’ houses through food and equipment assistance, while simultaneously following-up on nutritional indicators of children under their care, such as anthropometric measures.

In Colombia, ensure at least 200 volunteers participate on environmental protection initiatives and livelihood improvement projects for vulnerable people by 2026.​

In Colombia, support more than 60,000 people by 2026 in context of vulnerable conditions through humanitarian and livelihood programs, namely with food, prioritizing children and regions with the highest poverty rate and higher food insecurity indicators, by ensuring at least two partnerships with NGOs and/or other industry leaders.

V. Being a Benchmark Employer

Promote respect for human and labour rights, by:

  • ensuring a training module on the Code of Conduct available to 100% of employees;
  • ensuring a global training programme on human and labour rights available to 100% of managers;
  • implementing an internal global policy and process of prevention and compliance with labour rights, reflecting the Labour Fundamentals Guidelines in place.

Strengthen the promotion of gender equality across the Group, by:

  • deploying a global diagnosis of HR practices to identify any gender inequalities that may exist and work on the identified improvement opportunities;
  • ensuring a gender pay ratio* variation of +/- 3% compared to the parity ratio (100%), globally and by country;
  • ensuring a global training programme on unconscious bias available to 100% of managers.
* Salary difference between women and men in the Jerónimo Martins Group employee universe, based on comparable realities. It is expressed considering the average salary of women as a percentage of the average salary of men, with 100% being the pay ratio that represents full equality among genders (parity).

Reinforce leadership capabilities in future generations and stimulate knowledge transfer, by:

  • organizing at least four yearly global sessions with senior experts, available to all young talent population;
  • promoting a global Jerónimo Martins experience for the young talent population, with the definition of a new global trainee policy;
  • ensuring that 90% of managers take part in at least one leadership development initiative by the end of 2026;
  • embedding the Group’s Values and associated behaviours in people management processes with at least two global processes reviewed and 100% of eligible employees impacted;
  • implementing a mechanism to measure leadership impact in the Group.

Strengthen our recognition mechanisms and promote greater transparency about compensation, by:

  • ensuring at least one recognition mechanism that values behaviours in all Companies (evolving existing ones or implementing new recognition mechanisms), covering 100% of employees by 2026;
  • making available the total compensation package statement (fixed and variable remuneration and benefits) to 100% of employees by 2026.

Increase the number of employees in our workforce at a disadvantaged position in accessing the labour market (people with disabilities and/or impairments, refugees and migrants or people at social risk) and contribute positively to increasing social inclusion awareness within and outside the Group, promoting at least four yearly forums to share good practices in this scope.

Reinforce our internal development and mobility opportunities, increasing their attractiveness and effectiveness, by:

  • creating personal development plans for at least 95% of eligible managers;
  • evolving the personal development plan definition process, aligning it with individual and business needs and ensuring close follow-up (from line managers and HR) for managers in the talent pool;
  • ensuring that 100% of eligible internal vacancies are published and increasing the average number of applications per vacancy;
  • Rolling out a global referral programme.

Foster safe working conditions, by:

  • investing in certifying at least three new workplaces/businesses following ISO 45001;
  • decreasing the current frequency and severity index to 12.00 and 0.29, respectively.

Promote a flexible and healthy work environment across the Group, by:

  • piloting at least one measure in the scope of new ways of working and/or hiring;
  • making training in wellbeing available to 100% of managers, giving them tools to identify and manage their own issues and help their team;
  • ensuring that 100% of employees have access to a structured wellbeing programme;
  • supporting employees in vulnerable situations due to social and/or family emergencies across the Group, ensuring at least the same level of investment in the Social Emergency Fund, in Portugal, and in Możesz Liczyć (You Can Count on Biedronka), in Poland.


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