Annual Report 2023

56. Department Responsible for Investor Assistance, Composition, Functions, the Information Made Available by Said Department and Contact Details


The Investor Relations Office of Jerónimo Martins is comprised as follows:

  • Office Manager: Cláudia Falcão
  • Team: Ana Maria Marcão, Hugo Fernandes and Teresa Balsas

Main Roles

The Investor Relations Office of Jerónimo Martins is responsible for communication with all investors – institutional and private, national and foreign – as well as the analysts who formulate opinions and recommendations regarding the Company. The Investor Relations Office is also responsible for matters related to the Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (Portuguese Securities and Exchange Commission).

Communication Policy of Jerónimo Martins for the Capital Markets

Jerónimo Martins’ policy for communicating to the capital markets aims to ensure a regular flow of relevant information – history, current performance and outlook for the future –, which respects the principles of symmetry and simultaneity and creates a faithful image of the Company’s business performance and strategy for investors, shareholders, analysts and the general public.

The financial communication strategy outlined for each year is based on the principles of transparency, rigour and consistency. This ensures that all relevant information is transmitted in a non-discriminatory, clear and complete manner to stakeholders.

Information Provided

Annually, and based on the above-mentioned principles, the Office draws up a Communication Plan for the financial market, which is included in the global communication strategy of Jerónimo Martins.

With the objective of transmitting an updated and clear vision of the strategies of the different business areas of Jerónimo Martins to the market, in terms of operational performance and outlook, the Investor Relations Office organises and participates in a series of events so that investors can learn about Jerónimo Martins’ various businesses, its strategies and prospects for the future, and simultaneously follow the progress of activities during the year, by clarifying any doubts.

The actions carried out throughout the year made it possible to maintain the level of dialogue that was the benchmark for Jerónimo Martins’ stakeholders. Among the organized activities, the following are highlighted:

  • virtual and face-to-face meetings with financial analysts and investors;
  • responses to e-mails with questions addressed to the Investor Relations Office;
  • virtual and face-to-face meetings hosted by the Management from the business areas, the Chairman and Group CFO;
  • meetings with investors in Poland and visit to the operation;
  • event held in Colombia with investors and analysts to present the business and visit to the operation;
  • conference calls;
  • release of announcements to the market through the CMVM (Portuguese Securities and Exchange Commission) extranet, through the Jerónimo Martins and Euronext Lisbon websites, and email messages sent to all the Company’s investors and financial analysts listed in the database created and updated by the Office;
  • presentations to the financial community: presentation of results, roadshows, conferences and Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting;
  • continuous update of the investor relations webpage on the Company’s institutional website.

In order to make information easily accessible to all stakeholders, the communications issued regularly by the Office are available in full on the Jerónimo Martins’ institutional website, at

The site not only provides, in Portuguese and in English, mandatory information, but also general information about the Group and the Companies that form it, in addition to other information considered relevant, namely:

  • announcements to the market about privileged information;
  • annual accounts, including the Annual Report on the activities of the Audit Committee, six-month and quarterly reports of the Group;
  • economic and financial indicators and statistical data, updated every quarter or annually, in accordance with the Company or business area;
  • Jerónimo Martins’ most recent presentation to the financial community, and historical collection;
  • information about share performance on the stock market;
  • the annual calendar of Company events, released at the year-end to the following year, including, among others, General Shareholders’ Meetings, the disclosure of annual, half-yearly and quarterly results;
  • information about Corporate Governance;
  • Code of Conduct of Jerónimo Martins;
  • Company Articles of Association;
  • current Internal Regulations;
  • Information regarding the General Shareholders’ Meetings;
  • Minutes of the General Shareholders’ Meetings, or respective extracts;
  • Historical agendas and decisions taken at the General Shareholders’ Meetings.


The Office may be contacted through the Market Relations Representative and the Investor Relations Office Manager, Cláudia Falcão – and via the email address:

The main contact information for the Investor Relations Office is as follows:

  • Address: Rua Actor António Silva, n.º 7, 1649-033, Lisboa
  • Telephone: +351 21 752 61 05

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