Annual Report 2023

Respecting the environment


Human societies and the world face environmental challenges of enormous magnitude, such as pollution (of air, soil and water), loss of biodiversity, the effects of climate change, and water scarcity. Based on the scientific knowledge available, governments, companies, organisations and civil society are challenged to adopt policies and practices that help fight all types of pollution, limit the rise in temperature, preserve and restore biodiversity, as well as protect and value water resources. Some of these policies may include investing in natural habitat conservation projects, adopting better agricultural and food production practices, reducing food waste, promoting healthier and more sustainable diets that include, for example, locally grown and seasonal foods, and good waste management.

Our Environmental Policy1 sets the priorities for action aimed at reducing the environmental impacts of our operations and supply chains: preserving biodiversity, fighting climate change, protecting water resources and promoting a more circular economy.

Person holding freshly harvested turnips (photo)

1 Available for consultation on the “Responsibility” page at


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