Total number of employees and by country1
Age groups, gender, occupational categories and nationalities
Age groups |
Gender |
<25 |
25-34 |
35-44 |
45-54 |
>55 |
Women |
Men |
Total |
Group |
16,936 |
41,827 |
42,553 |
25,087 |
7,897 |
101,960 |
32,340 |
134,300 |
Portugal |
5,810 |
9,337 |
9,309 |
7,647 |
3,620 |
22,897 |
12,826 |
35,723 |
Poland |
8,770 |
24,307 |
30,275 |
17,235 |
4,266 |
72,339 |
12,514 |
84,853 |
Colombia |
2,356 |
8,183 |
2,969 |
205 |
11 |
6,724 |
7,000 |
13,724 |
Hierarchical segmentation |
Members of Executive Committees |
0 |
2 |
15 |
47 |
7 |
20 |
51 |
71 |
Top and middle managers |
8 |
806 |
1,414 |
883 |
200 |
1,727 |
1,584 |
3,311 |
Store, distribution centre and office employees |
16,928 |
41,019 |
41,124 |
24,157 |
7,690 |
100,213 |
30,705 |
130,918 |
Foreign nationalities most common in our countries of operation are:
Brazilian in Portugal, Ukrainian in Poland, and Venezuelan in Colombia
Employment contract and job type
Type of contract
Type of work schedule
Note: The SENA (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje) traineeships in Colombia were included under the “fixed-term” contract type.
Compared to 2022, we offer greater job stability through permanent contracts, which increased their relative weight by 1.2 p.p. In terms of working hours, full-time contracts are still predominant, with the ratio between full-time and part-time contracts remaining stable since last year.
Turnover, hires, retention and seniority
%Turnover (i)
%Hires (ii)
%12-month retention rate (iii)
yearsAverage seniority
Notes: (i) ratio between employee exits during 2023 and the total number of employees at the end of the period; (ii) ratio of employee hires during 2023 and the total number of employees at the end of the period; (iii) percentage of employees who were still with the Group in December 2023, based on December 2022.
We hired 44,021 people during the year and created 3,206 new jobs. We are offering increasingly more job opportunities to young people, since the age group representing the greatest number of hires was between 18 and 24 years old (36.0%). A total of 40,688 contracts were terminated, 62.2% of which voluntarily, and the turnover rate fell 0.5 p.p. In line with the global retail sector, the highest turnover is concentrated in the store and distribution centre operator roles and is most evident in the younger age groups.
1 Includes the employees of all the Companies controlled by Jerónimo Martins, with some Companies employing people spread across more than one country. For the purposes of reporting the indicators included in this subchapter “Being a benchmark employer”, we have taken into account the three countries with the greatest representation in the Group (Poland, Portugal and Colombia), totalling 134,300 employees.