Annual Report 2023

42. Details of the External Auditor Appointed in Accordance With Art. 8 PSC and the Partner That Represents the Same in Carrying out These Duties, and the Respective Registration Number at the CMVM

The External Auditor is Ernst & Young Audit & Associados, SROC, S.A. (Chartered Accountant No. 178), registered at the CMVM (Portuguese Securities Market Commission) under no. 20161480, represented, until 20th April, 2023, by João Carlos Miguel Alves, ROC no. 896 and, from said date by Pedro Miguel Borges Marques, ROC no. 1801.

During 2023, the External Auditor monitored the efficiency and functioning of the internal control mechanisms, taking part in the meetings of the Internal Control Committee, reporting any deficiencies identified in the exercise of its activity, as well as making the necessary recommendations regarding the procedures and mechanisms that were analysed.

The External Auditor was able to verify the implementation of the remuneration policies and systems by reviewing the minutes of the Remuneration Committee’s meetings, the remuneration policy in force and other accounting and financial information that is essential for that purpose.

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