Annual Report 2023

55. Core Details on the Internal Control and Risk Management Systems Implemented in the Company Regarding the Procedure for Reporting Financial Information (Art. 29-H/1/l) PSC)

The Board of Directors is highly committed to assuring the reliability of the Group’s financial reporting, namely, by ensuring that the Group has in place adequate policies that provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded and reported in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), and that expenditures are made only when properly authorized.

The financial reporting risks are mitigated by enforcing segregation of duties and by setting preventive and detective controls, which involves limiting access to IT systems, and a comprehensive performance monitoring system.

Additional controls are provided by the Audit Committee oversight and Internal Control Committee reliability assessments over the preparation and disclosure of financial information and by the Group’s Controlling division monitoring activities regarding the performance of the different business units, including analysis of the deviations to the approved plans.

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