Annual Report 2023

Statutory bodies

Election date: 21 April 2022

Composition of the Board of Directors elected for the 2022-2024 term

Pedro Soares dos Santos (portrait)

Pedro Soares dos Santos

Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer
Born on 7 March 1960
Chairman of the Board of Directors since December 2013
Chief Executive Officer since April 2010
Member of the Board of Directors since March 1995

Andrzej Szlęzak (portrait)

Andrzej Szlęzak

Born on 7 July 1954
Member of the Board of Directors since April 2013

António Viana-Baptista (portrait)

António Viana-Baptista

Born on 19 December 1957
Member of the Board of Directors since April 2010

A. Stefan Kirsten (portrait)

A. Stefan Kirsten

Born on 22 February 1961
Member of the Board of Directors from April 2010 to February 2011
Member of the Board of Directors since April 2015

Clara Christina Streit (portrait)

Clara Christina Streit

Born on 18 December 1968
Member of the Board of Directors since April 2015
Member of the Audit Committee since April 2016, is Chairman of the Audit Committee since April 2022

Elizabeth Ann Bastoni (portrait)

Elizabeth Ann Bastoni

Born on 24 July 1965
Member of the Board of Directors since April 2019
Member of the Audit Committee since April 2019

Francisco Seixas da Costa (portrait)

Francisco Seixas da Costa

Born on 28 January 1948
Member of the Board of Directors since April 2013

José Soares dos Santos (portrait)

José Soares dos Santos

Indicated by Sociedade Francisco Manuel dos Santos B.V. to hold the office in his own name, pursuant to paragraph 4 of article 390 of the Commercial Companies Code
Born on 6 April 1962
Member of the Board of Directors from 1995 to 2001 and from 2004 to 2015
Member of the Board of Directors since April 2019

María Ángela Holguín (portrait)

María Ángela Holguín

Born on 13 November 1963
Member of the Board of Directors since April 2019

Natalia Anna Olynec (portrait)

Natalia Anna Olynec

Born on 25 July 1971
Member of the Board of Directors since April 2022

Sérgio Tavares Rebelo (portrait)

Sérgio Tavares Rebelo

Born on 29 October 1959
Member of the Board of Directors since April 2013
Member of the Audit Committee since April 2013, was Chairman of the Audit Committee from April 2016 to April 2022

Statutory Auditor and External Auditor

Ernst & Young Audit & Associados, SROC, S.A.
Av. República 90, 6.º, 1600-206 Lisboa, Portugal

Represented by:
Pedro Miguel Borges Marques (ROC n.º 1,801)

Rui Abel Serra Martins (ROC n.º 1,119)

Company Secretary

João Nuno Magalhães

Carlos Martins Ferreira

Chairman of the Board of the Shareholders’ Meeting

Luis Miguel Reis Sobral

Secretary of the Board of the Shareholders’ Meeting

Nuno de Deus Pinheiro

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