Annual Report 2023

Managing circular economy risks and opportunities

The main risks and opportunities identified, in particular those associated with the two issues most relevant to Jerónimo Martins (packaging and food waste), are related to the types of resources used (renewable and non-renewable), the waste of resources, and the recovery and recycling of waste. Because of the potential loss to the value chain, food waste is the most significant circular economy risk. The risks associated with regulations, particularly on the recyclability of packaging, are of minor importance as, in some cases, they depend on sectoral adaptations.

In this regard, we realise that, along with cold chains, packaging also plays an important role in preserving the food we sell. In this way, we aim to guarantee both the integrity and shelf life of food and the development of packaging in the most circular way possible. In the particular case of packaging components comprising vegetable fibres, such as paper and wood, additional measures are also implemented to promote the regeneration of natural systems and ensure that the origin of commodities do not contribute to deforestation1.

We strive to continually account for and monitor the use of the different materials that make up our packaging in order to identify opportunities for improvement, increase the incorporation of recycled material, test reusable solutions and promote increased recyclability. We have also implemented measures to fight food waste and to recover the different waste streams with the aim of promoting circularity and the entry into new streams. We do this both in our own operations and by raising awareness and involving our companies’ business partners and customers.

1 For more information, please see “Fighting deforestation”.

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