Annual Report 2023

A. Composition

31. Composition of the Audit Committee, With Details of the Articles of Association’s Minimum and Maximum Number of Members, Duration of Term of Office, Number of Effective Members, Date of First Appointment, Date of End of the Term of Office for Each Member. Diversity Policy.

According to the Articles of Association, the Audit Committee is comprised of three members of the Board of Directors, one of whom will be its Chairman.

The members of the Audit Committee are appointed by the General Shareholder’s Meeting to terms of three years, simultaneously with the members of the Board of Directors, and the lists of proposed members of the latter body must indicate those that are intended to form the Audit Committee. The members of the Audit Committee cannot perform executive roles in the Company.

The composition of the Audit Committee, during 2023, was the following:

Clara Christina Streit

  • Chair of the Audit Committee
  • First appointment on 14th April 2016
  • Expiry of the term of office on 31st December 2024

Elizabeth Ann Bastoni

  • First appointment on 11th April 2019
  • Expiry of the term of office on 31st December 2024

Sérgio Tavares Rebelo

  • First appointment on 10th April 2013
  • Expiry of the term of office on 31st December 2024

The Company considers the number of members of the Audit Committee to be suitable, taking into account that it constitutes about one third of the Non-executive Directors of the Company, and the powers that are attributed to it, described in point 30., thus allowing it to efficiently ensure the functions that are attributed to it, taking into account the size of the Company and the risks inherent to its activity.

Diversity Policy

In this regard it is applicable what is stated in point 16.

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