Annual Report 2023

Supplier awareness and training

Alongside the visits and audits we conduct, awareness-raising and training for our suppliers also play an important role in sharing and defining good practices, common goals and identifying opportunities for product and process improvement.

In 2023, several training sessions were held focusing on topics such as food safety and quality, traceability, reformulations, and product development (in particular vegetarian and vegan products), food defence and animal welfare. Awareness-raising and/or training workshops were also held on good agricultural practices, fighting deforestation and the conversion of high conservation value ecosystems, environmental and social audits, the ecodesign of packaging, carbon footprint and climate change, and other sustainability-related topics.

In total, more than 2,400 representatives from perishables and Private Brand suppliers participated in these sessions in Portugal, Poland and Colombia.

Baker preparing bread on a tray before it is baked (photo)

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