Annual Report 2023

7. Details of The Natural or Legal Persons Who, Directly or Indirectly, are Holders of Qualifying Holdings (Art. 29.º-H/1/c & /d PSC) and Art. 16.º PSC) With Details of the Percentage of Capital and Votes Attributed and the Source and Causes of the Attribution

The holders of qualifying holdings, calculated in accordance with the terms of paragraph 1 of Art. 20 PSC, based on the total number of shares under the terms of section b), paragraph 3 of Art. 16 PSC, as at 31st December 2023 are identified in the table below.

List of Qualifying Holdings as at 31st December 2023*

(Pursuant to sub-paragraph b) of paragraph 1 of Art. 8 of the Portuguese Securities Regulations no. 5/2008)



No. of Shares Held


% Capital


No. of Voting Rights


% of Voting Rights

Sociedade Francisco Manuel dos Santos, SGPS, S.E.









Through Sociedade Francisco Manuel dos Santos, B.V.










Source: Last communications made by the shareholders with qualifying holdings to Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, S.A. up to the said date.

The reason for attributing the qualified holding to Sociedade Francisco Manuel dos Santos, SGPS, S.E. is mentioned in point 6.

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