Annual Report 2023

91. A Description of the Procedures and Criteria Applicable to the Supervisory Body When Same Provides Preliminary Assessment of the Business Deals to be Carried Out Between the Company and the Holders of Qualifying Holdings or Entity-Relationships With the Former, as Envisaged in Art. 20 of the Securities Code

According to the procedure adopted by the Company, to which is made reference in point 89, in order to allow the Audit Committee to assess whether any existing related parties transactions have been carried out in the ordinary course of business and concluded on normal market terms and also to enable the Audit Committee, whenever required, to issue their prior opinion on any related parties transactions or transactions that may lead to conflicts of interest, the following rules shall apply.

The Group controller will keep an updated (non-exhaustive) list of the entities that may qualify as Related Parties, having the Group Controller to share every year with the competent functional divisions of the Company and with the CEOs and CFOs of the different Company’s subsidiaries the updated definition of Related Parties in accordance with IAS 24, the above mentioned list, as well as a copy of the applicable procedure.

The competent functional divisions of the Company as well as the CEOs and CFOs of the different Company’s subsidiaries will report to the Company’s Secretary any negotiation in course with a third party (not limited to the list referred to above) that may give rise to a Related Party Transaction (i.e., a transaction between the Company and/or its subsidiaries and a Company’s related party).

The report mentioned in the previous paragraph will include:

  • the object, purpose and opportunity of the potential Related Party Transaction from the point of view of the Company and/or the subsidiary’ business;
  • the nature of the potential Related Party Transaction, with the demonstration that its terms and conditions are similar, or at least more favourable, to those that the Company and/or the subsidiary would obtain in comparison to those generally available on the market, or those offered to or by a third party in equivalent circumstances;
  • the description of existing relationships with the Related Party, and the interest of the Related Party and other counterparties in the transaction;
  • the financial amount involved in the Transaction with the Related Party, as well as in the set of deals eventually carried out with that Related Party in the previous 12 (twelve) months or in the same fiscal year; and
  • any other information that may be relevant given the circumstances of the specific transaction.

The Company Secretary will collect all related parties transactions under negotiation and, if necessary, assess together with the Group General Counsel and the Group Controller if said transactions may be considered as carried out in the ordinary course of business of the Company and/or its subsidiaries and concluded on normal market terms.

Any Related Party Transaction that cannot be considered as carried out in the ordinary course of business of the Company and/or its subsidiaries and on normal market terms can only be concluded after being approved by a resolution of the Company’s Board of Directors, preceded by an opinion of the Company’s Audit Committee, having the Company’s Secretary to provide for the intervention of the mentioned corporate bodies, as timely as possible.

Related Party Transactions that may be considered carried out in the ordinary course of business of the Company and/or its subsidiaries and concluded on market terms will follow the normal procedure for approval, under the applicable laws, bylaws, regulations and delegations of powers.

If the Related Party transaction is approved by the Board of Directors and its amount (or aggregated amount) is equal or greater than 2.5% of Consolidated Assets of the Company, the Company will make the public disclosure of the transaction. This disclosure should include:

  • The identification of the related party;
  • Information on the nature of the relationship with related parties;
  • The date and amount of the transaction;
  • The reasons for the fair and reasonable nature of the transaction, from the point of view of the Company and its Shareholders, that are not related parties, including minority shareholders;
  • The opinion of the Company’s Audit Committee.

Transactions (except for consumer transactions) between the Company and/or its subsidiaries and:

  • Francisco Manuel dos Santos family members, either directly or through entities in which they hold a financial interest and/or a key management position (not including entities within the scope of the group of companies and joint ventures headed by Sociedade Francisco Manuel dos Santos, SGPS, S.E., to which, nevertheless the procedure described above will apply entirely);
  • persons discharging managerial responsibilities in the Company, either directly or through entities in which they hold a financial interest and/or a key management position,

irrespective of qualifying as Related Parties Transactions and/or despite being carried out in the ordinary course of business of the Company and/or its subsidiaries and concluded on market terms, will always have to be subject to the prior opinion of the Company’s Audit Committee (being applicable with the necessary adaptations to Transactions mentioned herewith that do not qualify as Related Parties Transactions, the procedures described above involving the reporting of situations to the Company Secretary, the collection of information by the same, and its approval, except in what refers to the need of intervention of the Board of Directors, unless such intervention is required by applicable laws, bylaws, regulations and delegations of powers).

The provisions hereof are without prejudice of what is foreseen in Art. 397 of the CCC regarding transactions with Directors as referred in point 89.

Every six months, the Company’s Secretary will provide the Company’s Audit Committee with a detailed report identifying the related parties’ transactions that have occurred in the past six months and have not been submitted to such Committee’s prior opinion. Such report will include the relevant information referred above.

If the Company’s Audit Committee assesses that the procedure above has not been observed, it will immediately inform the Company’s Board of Directors of such situation.

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