Annual Report 2023

Report template for disclosure of non-financial information by companies issuing securities admitted to trading on a regulated market


A. Introduction

CMVM indicator Evidence

1. Description of the Company’s general policy regarding sustainability issues, indicating any changes to previously approved policy.

Section A – Shareholder Structure

Section B – Corporate Bodies and Committees

Section C – Internal Organisation

For a summary of the Group’s sustainability policies and actions undertaken in 2023, see:

Overview of the year

Promoting good health through food

Respecting the environment

Sourcing responsibly

Supporting surrounding communities

Being a benchmark employer

See also the “Responsibility channel”, dedicated pages for each pillar of action or the “Corporate Responsibility Publications” page for the full Group policies in force on our website

2. Description of non-financial information reporting methodology and reasons for its adoption, including any changes in relation to previous years and reasons, therefore.

Overview of the year

Tables of indicators

B. Corporate and Business Model

CMVM indicator Evidence

1. General description of the Company’s/Group’s business model and form of organisation, stating the main business areas and markets of operation (if possible, using organisational charts, graphs or functional diagrams).

Management report

Corporate governance

C. Main Risk Factors

CMVM indicator Evidence

1. Identification of the main risks associated to the matters under report and arising from the Company’s activities, products, services or business relations, including, where applicable and possible, supply and subcontracting chains.

Section C – Internal Organisation

2. Indication of how the Company identifies and manages these risks.

3. Explanation of the functional division, including governing bodies, commissions, committees, or departments responsible for risk identification and management/monitoring.

4. Express indication of any new and former risks identified by the Company regarding previous years.

5. Indication and brief description of the main opportunities identified by the Company regarding the matters in the report.

Reference can be made to other parts or annexes of the Management Report or other disclosed document that identify business risks, allowing unrestricted analysis by investors and other stakeholders.

D. Implemented Policies

CMVM indicator Evidence

Description of policies:

  1. environmental
  2. social and tax
  3. employees, gender equality, and non-discrimination
  4. human rights and
  5. anti-corruption and anti-bribery, including due diligence policies, and implementation outcomes, including related non-financial key performance indicators and year-over-year comparison

See channel Responsibility, dedicated pages for each pillar of action or page “Corporate Responsibility Publications” on website to consult:

Environmental Policy

Sustainable Sourcing Policy

Quality and Food Safety Policy

Nutrition Policy

Jerónimo Martins’ Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Suppliers

Support Policy for Surrounding Communities

The Anti-Corruption Policy was approved in 2019 and the Plan for the Prevention of Risk of Corruption and Related Infractions (a document that identifies and classifies the main and potential risks of the company in terms of corruption, considering the probability of occurrence and the impact of the identified risks, and lists the prevention and mitigation measures that the company has adopted to minimize the probability of occurrence and the predictable impact in compliance with its regulatory compliance program) published in 2022, and the Annual Implementation Report for this plan in 2023, all available for consultation on the About Us channel at In addition, the Integrity Due Diligence Procedure, to be applied to third parties, was approved in 2023 as an autonomous internal procedure.

See “Investors” channel, “Corporate Governance” page, Specialised Committees subpage on the website to consult specialized committees with responsibilities in these areas.


i. Environmental Policies

CMVM indicator Evidence

1. Description of the Company’s strategic objectives and key actions to achieve those.

Sourcing responsibly and 2021-2023 commitments

  1. Water and energy consumption management and 2021-2023 commitments
  2. Fighting climate change and 2021-2023 commitments
  3. Waste management and 2021-2023 commitments
  4. Promoting more sustainable production practices and 2021-2023 commitments

2. Description of the established key performance indicators.

3. Indication, on a year-over-year basis, of the degree to which these objectives were achieved, by reference to at least:

  1. Sustainable use of resources
  2. Pollution and climate change
  3. Circular economy and waste management
  4. Biodiversity protection

ii. Social and Tax Policies

CMVM indicator Evidence

1. Description of the Company’s strategic objectives and key actions to achieve those.

Management report

Financial statements

Corporate governance

Promoting good health through food

Sourcing responsibly

Supporting surrounding communities

Being a benchmark employer

2021-2023 commitments

2024-2026 commitments

2. Description of the established key performance indicators.

3. Indication, on a year-over-year basis, of the degree to which these objectives were achieved, by reference to at least:

  1. Company’s commitment to the community
  2. Subcontracting and suppliers
  3. Consumers
  4. Responsible investment
  5. Stakeholders
  6. Tax information

  1. Supporting surrounding communities and Being a benchmark employer

  2. See Sustainable Sourcing Policy and Code of Conduct for Suppliers at and Sourcing responsibly
  3. Promoting good health through food
  4. Financial statements and GRI Index (indicators 201-1, 201-2, 203-1, 203-2 and 204-1)
  5. Double materiality assessment
  6. Financial statements and GRI 201-4

iii. Employees and gender equality and non-discrimination

CMVM indicator Evidence

1. Description of the Company’s strategic objectives and key actions to achieve those.

2021-2023 commitments

2024-2026 commitments

See also the Gender Equality Plan 2022-2023 and 2023-2024, and the Climate Transition Plan, available on the website

2. Description of the established key performance indicators.

2021-2023 commitments

2024-2026 commitments

3. Indication, on a year-over-year basis, of the degree to which these objectives were achieved, by reference to at least:

  1. Employment
  2. Work organisation
  3. Health and safety
  4. Social relations
  5. Training
  6. Equality

  1. Our people
  2. Integrate work and personal context
  3. Protect through the best work conditions and Integrate work and personal context
  4. Act ethically
  5. Prepare for the future
  6. Live diversity and Act ethically

iv. Human rights

CMVM indicator Evidence

1. Description of the Company’s strategic objectives and key actions to achieve those.

Promoting good health through food

Sourcing responsibly

Being a benchmark employer

2021-2023 commitments

2024-2026 commitments

Tables of indicators

2. Description of the established key performance indicators.

3. Indication, on a year-over-year basis, of the degree to which these objectives were achieved, by reference to at least:

  1. Due diligence procedures
  2. Measures to prevent the risk
  3. Lawsuits

v. Fight against corruption and bribery attempts

CMVM indicator Evidence

1. Corruption prevention

Section C – Internal Organisation

Section E – Related Party Transactions

In addition, please see the “Responsibility” area, “Corporate Responsibility Publications” page to check the Jerónimo Martins’ Code of Conduct and the Code of Conduct for Suppliers, as well as the Anti-corruption Policy and the Prevention Plan of Risks of Corruption and Related Infractions, both of which are available for consultation in the “About Us” area

Minimum safeguards

GRI Index (indicators 2-15, 205-1 and 205-2)

The Integrity Due Diligence Procedure, to be applied to third parties, was also approved in 2023 as an autonomous internal procedure.

2. Prevention of money laundering.

3. Codes of ethics

4. Management of conflicts of interest

29. Subsection III - Supervision - (Audit Committee)

30. Subsection II - Reporting of Irregularities

49. Subsection III - Remuneration Structure

69. Subsection I - Control Mechanisms and Procedures

91. A Description of the Procedures and Criteria Applicable to the Supervisory Body When Same Provides Preliminary Assessment of the Business Deals to be Carried Out Between the Company and the Holders of Qualifying Holdings or Entity-Relationships With the Former, as Envisaged in Art. 20 of the Securities Code

Table of recommendations – II.4. “Conflicts of interest”

Table of recommendations – II.5. “Transactions with related parties”

Minimum safeguards

GRI Index (indicators 2-15, 205-1 and 205-2)

Additionally, consult the Anti-corruption Policy, the Plan for the Prevention of Risks of Corruption and Related Infractions (a document that identifies and classifies the company’s main and potential risks in terms of corruption, considering the likelihood of occurrence and the impact of the risks identified, and lists the prevention and mitigation measures that the company has adopted to minimise the likelihood of occurrence and the foreseeable impact, in compliance with its regulatory compliance programme) published in 2022, as well as the Annual Implementation Report of the aforementioned plan, published in 2023, all documents available for consultation on the “About Us” channel at


CMVM indicator Evidence

1. Identification of the standards/guidelines followed for reporting non-financial information.

Tables of indicators

2. Identification of the scope and methodology for calculating indicators.

Tables of indicators

3. Reasons for lack of application of a policy.

Not applicable.

4. Other information.

Financial statements


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