Annual Report 2023

Reconciliation notes

Following ESMA guidelines on Alternative Performance Measures from October 2015

Income statement

Income Statement
(in Management Report)


Consolidated Income Statement by Functions
(in Consolidated Financial Statements)

Net Sales and Services


Net sales and services

Gross Profit


Gross profit

Operating Costs


Includes headings of Distribution costs; and Administrative costs, excluding €-902 million related with Depreciations and amortisations (note – Segments Reporting)






Value reflected in the note – Segments Reporting




Net Financial Costs


Net financial costs

Gains/Losses in Joint Ventures and Associates


Gains (losses) in joint ventures and associates

Other Profits/Losses


Includes headings of Other operating profits/losses; Gains (losses) on disposal of business (when applicable); and Gains (losses) in other investments (when applicable)



Profit before taxes

Income Tax


Income tax

Net Profit


Profit before non-controlling interests

Non-Controlling Interests


Non-Controlling interests

Net Profit Attributable to JM


Net profit attributable to Jerónimo Martins Shareholders

Balance sheet

Balance Sheet
(in Management Report)


Consolidated Balance Sheet
(in Consolidated Financial Statements)

Net Goodwill


Amount reflected in note Intangible assets

Net Fixed Assets


Includes the headings Tangible and Intangible assets (excluding the Net goodwill of €635 million); and adding the Financial leases (€124 million)

Net Rights of Use (RoU)


Includes the heading of Net rights of use excluding the Financial leases (€124 million)

Total Working Capital


Includes the headings Current trade debtors, accrued income and deferred costs; Inventories; Biological assets; Trade creditors, accrued costs and deferred income; Employee benefits; and also, €-47 million related to ‘Others’ due to its operational nature.
Excludes €135 million of short-term investments that do not qualify as cash equivalents (note – Debtors, accruals and deferrals); and €-10 million related with Interest accruals and deferrals heading
(note – Net financial debt)



Includes the headings Investment property; Investments in joint ventures and associates; Other financial investments; Non-Current trade debtors, accrued income and deferred costs; Deferred tax assets and liabilities; Income tax receivable and payable; and Provisions for risks and contingencies.
Excludes €-47 million related to ‘Others’ due to its operational nature

Invested Capital



Total Borrowings


Includes the heading Borrowings current and non-current

Financial Leases


Includes the heading of Financial leases (2023: €102 million; 2022: €82 million) according with IAS 17 in place before IFRS16 adoption

Capitalised Operating Leases


Amount in the heading of Lease liabilities current and non-current, excluding Financial leases (heading above)

Accrued Interest


Includes the headings Derivative financial instruments and €-10 million related with Interest accruals and deferrals (note – Net financial debt)

Cash and Cash Equivalents


Includes the heading Cash and cash equivalents; and €135 million of Short-term investments that do not qualify as cash equivalents
(note – Debtors, accruals and deferrals)

Net Debt



Non-Controlling Interests


Non-Controlling interests

Share Capital


Share capital

Reserves and Retained Earnings


Includes the headings Share premium; Own shares; Other reserves; and Retained earnings

Shareholders’ Funds



Cash flow

Cash Flow
(in Management Report)


Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
(in Consolidated Financial Statements)



Includes the headings Cash generated from operations before changes in working capital, including headings which did not generate cash flow, and excluding profit and losses that do not have operational nature (€64 million)

Capitalised Operating Leases Payment


Included in the heading Leases paid, excluding €11 million related with the payment of financial leases according with previous accounting standards

Interest Payment


Includes the headings of Loans interest paid; Leases interest paid; and Interest received

Income Tax


Income tax paid

Funds from Operations



Capex Payment


Includes the headings Disposal of tangible and intangible assets; Disposal of other financial investments and investment property; Acquisition of tangible and intangible assets; Acquisition of other financial investments and investment property; and Acquisition of businesses, net of cash acquired.
It also includes acquisitions of tangible assets classified as finance leases under previous accounting standards (€-28 million)

Change in Working Capital


Includes Changes in working capital



Includes the headings Disposal of business (when applicable); and Profit and losses which generated cash flow, although not having operational nature (€-64 million)

Cash Flow


Corresponds to the Net change in cash and cash equivalents, deducted from Dividends paid and received; Net change in loans; and Net change in Short-term investments that do not qualify as cash. It also includes acquisitions of tangible assets classified as finance leases (€-28 million); and deducted from the payment of financial leases (€11 million), both according with previous accounting standards

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