Annual Report 2023

A. Composition

17. Composition of the Board of Directors, With Details of the Articles of Association’s Minimum and Maximum Number of Members, Duration of Term of Office, Number of Effective Members, Date When First Appointed and End of the Term of Office of Each Member

According to the Articles of Associations, the Board of Directors is comprised of a minimum of seven and a maximum of eleven members, elected by the General Shareholders’ Meeting for three-year terms. During 2023, the Board of Directors had the composition indicated below, being currently composed of eleven effective members, who were elected at the General Meeting held on 21st April 2022 for the term of office 2022-2024:

Pedro Manuel de Castro Soares dos Santos

  • Chairman of the Board of Directors since 18 December 2013
  • CEO
  • First appointment on 31st March 1995
  • Expiry of the term of office on 31st December 2024

Andrzej Szlęzak

  • Non-executive director
  • First appointment on 10th April 2013
  • Expiry of the term of office on 31st December 2024

António Pedro de Carvalho Viana-Baptista

  • Non-executive director
  • First appointment on 9th April 2010
  • Expiry of the term of office on 31st December 2024

Artur Stefan Kirsten

  • Non-executive director
  • First appointment on 9th April 2010 (term of office expired on February 2011)
  • New appointment on 9th April 2015
  • Expiry of the term of office on 31st December 2024

Clara Christina Streit

  • Independent Non-executive director
  • First appointment on 9th April 2015
  • Expiry of the term of office on 31st December 2024

Elizabeth Ann Bastoni

  • Independent Non-executive director
  • First appointment on 11th April 2019
  • Expiry of the term of office on 31st December 2024

Francisco Manuel Seixas da Costa

  • Independent Non-executive director
  • First appointment on 10th April 2013
  • Expiry of the term of office on 31st December 2024

José Manuel da Silveira e Castro Soares dos Santos

  • Non-executive director, appointed by Sociedade Francisco Manuel dos Santos, B.V., under the terms of no. 4 of art. 390 CCC
  • First appointment on 31st March 1995 (expiry of term of office on 29th June 2001)
  • New appointment on 15th April 2004 (expiry of term of office on 9th April 2015)
  • Expiry of term of office on 31st December 2024

María Ángela Holguín Cuéllar

  • Independent Non-executive director
  • First appointment on 11th April 2019
  • Expiry of the term of office on 31st December 2024

Natalia Anna Olynec

  • Independent Non-executive director
  • First appointment on 21st April 2022
  • Expiry of the term of office on 31st December 2024

Sérgio Tavares Rebelo

  • Independent Non-executive director*,
  • First appointment on 10th April 2013
  • Expiry of the term of office on 31st December 2024

* for the purposes of recommendation IV.2.4 of the 2018 IPCG’s Corporate Governance Code (2018 revised in 2023), and without prejudice to the provisions of no. 5 of Article 414 C.C.C.

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