Annual Report 2023

Reporting of Jerónimo Martins’ performance indicators

Description of Jerónimo Martins Indicator Evidence Other standards

Number of Nutri-Score labelled references in Portugal and in Poland

Quality and diversity

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 3 & 12

Number of vegan, lactose-free and gluten-free Private Brand products/references in Portugal, Poland and Colombia

Quality and diversity

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 3, 10 & 12

Ensure that products targeted for children have a higher nutritional profile than the benchmark (or best in class), according to the country of operation. In Colombia, ensure that products targeted for children have a higher nutritional profile than this benchmark until 2025

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 2, 3, 10 & 12

Number of Private Brand products in Portugal and Poland containing, in their direct ingredients, artificial dyes, versus total number of food products

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 3 & 12

Number of Private Brand products in Portugal and Poland containing, in their direct ingredients, artificial flavour enhancers, versus total number of products

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 3 & 12

In Portugal and in Poland, to position the Companies as healthy ageing promoters, through democratising the access to Private Brand food products that meet internationally recognised nutritional and dietary needs for the 50+ age groups

Quality and diversity

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 3, 10 & 12

Guarantee the absence of glucose and fructose syrup in Private Brand products in Poland until the end of 2021

Although defined until 2021, its non-compliance in 2021 led to its maintenance in 2022 and subsequent years until compliance.

84% (+12 p.p. versus 2021) of the total Private Brands references in Poland are glucose-fructose free.

Bakery and Pastry with Biedronka’s Private Brands label: 100%.

SDG 3 & 12

Ensuring the absence of annatto colouring in all Private Brand cheese products in Biedronka until the end of 2021

100% of the considered references were free of the annatto dye.

SDG 3 & 12

Symbology in Private Brand alcoholic beverages in Portugal and Poland: responsibility when driving, warning for pregnant women and caloric index

Quality and diversity

SDG 3 & 12

Increase the number of locations with environmental certification to at least 60% of the total distribution centres and industrial units (fresh dough factory, central kitchens, soup factory and Terra Alegre dairy factory) by 2023

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 7, 12 & 13

10% reduction in energy consumption (per thousand euros of sales) by 2023 compared to 2017

Fighting climate change

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 7, 12 & 13

Reduction in the volume of water collected in Distribution activities by 10% until 2023 (in megalitres per million euros of sales), compared to 2017

Fighting climate change

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 7, 12, 13 & 14

Reduce carbon emissions resulting from transporting goods to stores by 5% (in tonnes of CO2e per thousand pallets transported), by 2023, compared to 2020

Fighting climate change

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 7, 12 & 13

Percentage of non-renewable energy consumed and produced

Regarding the energy consumed by the operations of the operations of the Jerónimo Martins Group Companies, 55% comes from non-renewable sources.

Water and energy consumption management

UNGC 7,8 & 9
SDG 7, 8, 12 & 13

Support at least one nature conservation project in each of the countries where we have operations and disclose its results annually

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 14, 15 & 17

Calculation of ecodesign projects savings in material and environmental benefits

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 12 & 13

Ensure that at least 12% of the packaging in Private Brand products are included in the ecodesign project by 2023, comparing to the 2020 assortment

SDG 12 & 13

Calculation of the amount of plastic in Private Brand packaging and other single-use plastics

Promoting a circular economy

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 12 & 13

Increase the content of recycled plastic to 10% of the total amount of plastic packaging under our responsibility (Private Brand, service packaging, check-out bags and pallet wrapping film) by 2023

Promoting a circular economy

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 12 & 13

Reduce by 5% by 2023, the specific consumption of plastic (measured in tonnes of plastic packaging per million euros of turnover), compared to 2018

Promoting a circular economy

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 12 & 13

Reduce total virgin plastic in Private Brand packaging, service packaging, pallet wrapping film and carrier bags by 15%, compared to 2018

Promoting a circular economy

SDG 12 & 13

Percentage of problematic components to be eliminated (e.g., PVC, EPS and XPS) from Private Brand plastic packaging

Promoting a circular economy

SDG 12 & 13

Percentage of private label and perishable packaging that is 100% recyclable or reusable

Promoting a circular economy

SDG 12 & 13

Ensure an annual waste recovery rate of at least 85% of the volume of waste generated by 2023

Promoting a circular economy

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 12 & 13

Food waste generated in Group operations (kg/t of product sold)

Promoting a circular economy

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 2, 12 & 13

Limit food waste generated to 16.1kg per tonne of product sold by 2023

Guarantee that at least 80% of the Jerónimo Martins Group’s purchases of food products are sourced from local suppliers

Promoting more sustainable production practices

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 12 & 13

Increase sales of Private Brand and/or perishable products and packaging with sustainability certification to at least 7% of the total sales of these product categories by 2023

Certified products

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 12 & 13

Carry out environmental audits to at least 20% of Private Brand and perishables suppliers, with a purchase volume greater than 1.1 million euros in the 2021-2023 period

Selection and monitoring of suppliers

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 12, 13 & 15

Carry out at least 40 environmental audits every year on service providers

SDG 12, 13 & 15

Calculation of the consumption of deforestation commodities (palm oil, soy, beef and paper/timber) in Private Brand products and perishables

Fighting deforestation

2021-2023 commitments

UNGC 7, 8 & 9
SDG 12, 13 & 15

For palm oil, and until 2023, continue to ensure 100% RSPO certification in Portugal and Poland. In Colombia, ensure compliance with the “Acuerdo de Voluntades para la Deforestación Cero en la Cadena de Palma en Colombia” (Voluntary Agreement for Zero Deforestation in the Colombian Palm Oil Chain) from the Colombian government

For soy, and until 2023 reduce by 50% soy from unknown origins to 16% of total direct and indirect soy. Reduce soy from countries with risk of deforestation to 25% and/or ensure they are sustainably sourced (e.g., RTRS or ProTerra certified or other multi-stakeholder schemes that promote the preservation of ecosystems in the main production areas of this ingredient)

For paper/timber, and until 2023, ensure to achieve sustainable certification (e.g., FSC® or PEFC) in 80% of virgin fibres used in products and in 70% of virgin fibres used in our packaging, in cooperation with our suppliers

For beef, and until 2023, reduce unknown origins to 2.5% of total beef purchases. If sourcing from Brazil, engage with suppliers to ensure the adoption of deforestation policies and actions

Percentage of cage-free Private Brand fresh eggs

Practices to promote animal welfare

SDG 12

Percentage of eggs used as ingredients in Private Brand products from cage-free

Practices to promote animal welfare

SDG 12

Compliance to the Group’s Sustainable Fishing Strategy

Sustainable fishing

SDG 12 & 14

Ensure the annual application of the Sustainable Agriculture Handbook in at least 70 new farms in Portugal and Poland, ensuring a minimum average sustainability index of 3.7 points (on a scale from 1 to 5, in which 5 is the maximum score) for farms with at least two assessments in the 2021-2023 period

Promoting sustainable agricultural practices

UNGC 7,8 & 9
SDG 12, 13, 14 & 15

Monitoring and disclosure of at least 70% (in value) of the social impacts resulting from the annual support offered by all Group Companies, according to the Business for Societal Impact (B4SI) model

Supporting surrounding communities

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 2, 3, 4, 10 & 17

In Poland, expand the food donations programme for local non-governmental organisations to 70% of stores

Direct support

2021-2023 commitments

SDG 1, 2, 10 & 17

Strengthen the involvement in social projects targeted to children, youngsters and elderly people from vulnerable environments in all countries where we have operations, focusing on aspects of health and healthy eating, aiming to directly impact one million people until 2023

Supporting surrounding communities

SDG 1, 2 & 3

Employee training on Hygiene and Food Safety

Food safety and quality

SDG 3 & 12

On-the-job internships

In 2023, we held 651 internships in a real work context.

SDG 8, 10 & 17

Young talent programmes

Live diversity

SDG 8 & 10

Promoted employees

Empower the individual path

SDG 8 & 10

Internal mobility


Employees covered by training

Prepare for the future

SDG 8 & 10

Investment in training

Internal Social Responsibility measures

Support employees and their families

SDG 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10 & 17

Investment in Internal Social Responsibility measures

Human Resources policies

The Human Resources policies in force foster a culture of alignment between geographies, compliance with laws and regulations, justice and meritocracy, and sustainability in value creation, throughout the entire life cycle of the employee.

In 2023, there were a total of 92 global and local policies aimed at employees. Global policies include: recruitment and selection, on-boarding, knowledge management, performance management, base salary, variable pay, among others.

Global policies include: recruitment and selection, on-boarding, knowledge management, performance management, base salary, variable pay, among others.

In terms of local policies, we highlight the following:

  • Portugal – domestic violence intervention; human resources administration and payroll, among others.
  • Poland – performance management, employee services, and trade union policy, among others.
  • Colombia – on-boarding policy, performance management and recruitment and selection, among others.

Act ethically

SDG 5, 8 & 10

Training in Human and Labour Rights policies and practices

The Group has developed training courses on this subject in the context of the Code of Conduct and the labour legislation applicable.

Selection and monitoring of suppliers

Act ethically

UNGC 1 & 2

Employee nationalities

Our people


Active generations

Our people


12-month employee retention

Our people


Average seniority of employees

Our people


Differentiation between the national minimum wage and the minimum monthly income

Recognise with fairness and competitiveness

SDG 1 & 8

Investment in seniority bonuses

Recognise with fairness and competitiveness

SDG 1 & 8

Number of hours of occupational health and safety training

Protect through the best work conditions


Number of employees trained in Health and Safety at Work

Protect through the best work conditions


Management positions held by women

Live diversity

SDG 5 & 10

Entry-level positions held by women

Live diversity

SDG 5 & 10

Revenue-generating positions held by women

Live diversity

SDG 5 & 10

Promotions obtained by women

Live diversity

SDG 5 & 10

% Women in engineering and research and development (R&D) positions


Live diversity

SDG 5 & 10

% Women in information technologies (IT) positions


Live diversity

SDG 5 & 10

Number of people with disabilities

Promote inclusion

SDG 10 & 17

Resolution mechanisms

Act ethically


Operations that have been subject to human rights reviews or impact assessments

Act ethically


Significant investment agreements and contracts that include human rights clauses or that underwent human rights screening

The contracts signed with new suppliers imply knowledge and adherence to the Jerónimo Martins Group’s Code of Conduct for Suppliers.

Selection and monitoring of suppliers

UNGC 1 & 2

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