As in previous years, in 2023 we were able to map and trace all beef used in our Private Brand and perishable products back to at least the country of origin. Based on this work, we concluded that 0.4% of total beef (the same as in 2022) was sourced from Brazil, a country associated with deforestation risk for cattle production. Despite the reduced exposure we have associated to this ingredient, we continue to participate in the beef working group within the framework of the CGF’s Forest Positive Coalition of Action.
In 2023, we continued to invest in multi-stakeholder initiatives aimed at contributing to the preservation and regeneration of ecosystems, in line with the ten principles defined by The Consumer Goods Forum’s FP CoA1.

We continued to financially support a project in Mato Grosso (Brazil), in partnership with the Amazon Environmental Research Institute and Nestlé. The first phase, already completed, made it possible to identify 3.2 million hectares of forest assets on soy and beef farms that can be legally deforested or converted. The second phase of the project, which took place in 2023 and also included Sainsbury’s as partner, aimed, among other things, to ensure the certification of soy production with the RTRS benchmark, as well as contributing to the protection of natural systems and ensuring the application of the Brazilian Forest Code on soy farms. Small producers will be rewarded for the services provided by ecosystems, such as carbon sequestration, preserving biodiversity and contributing to climate regulation.
1 For more detailed information, please visit and our response to 2023 CDP Forests: Question F6.12.