Annual Report 2023


The following certifications were renewed or extended to new facilities during the year:

  • ISO 22000:2018 at 16 distribution centres and Biedronka’s head office related, respectively, to the storage and distribution of food products, and to the development of Private Brand food products;
  • FSSC 22000 v.5.1 (which includes ISO 22000:2018) for the soup factory in Poland, with regard to ready-to-eat after heating and individualised packaging;
  • ISO 9001 for the development of Private Brands in Portugal and post-launch product/supplier follow-up;
  • HACCP1 in accordance with the Codex Alimentarius2 for the two Pingo Doce central kitchens (with regard to food safety), 13 Recheio stores, the Recheio MasterChef food service platform in Lisbon, and for four distribution centres in Portugal (with regard to food safety);
  • Food Safety Management System, according to the EN ISO 22000:2018 Portuguese Standard, in 26 Recheio stores and two Recheio MasterChef food service platforms;
  • Organic product handling certification, in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 848/2018, for one distribution centre opened in Poland and renewed for the other 17 distribution centres, which means, certification of a total of 18 distribution centres; Our four distribution centres in Portugal also hold this certification;
  • Certification of 489 Biedronka stores regarding the correct storage and preparation of organic products.

1 The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system is designed to prevent potential risks that cause harm to consumers, by eliminating or reducing hazards and thereby ensuring food is safe to eat.

2 A set of international standards aimed at promoting food safety and consumer protection. The Codex Alimentarius is available at


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